嫩B研究院 on Patient Preferences in Prosthetic Alignment Featured in O&P Edge

Posted By Sheila Burt


An article in the trade magazine O&P Edge recently reported on a newly published study authored by researchers at the Center for Bionic Medicine which discussed patient preferences regarding optimal alignment of prosthetic components.

For the study, the team characterized the reliability, or consistency, of patient preference of alignment during level-ground walking, and determined the patient-preferred ankle angle for ascent and descent of a 10° ramp. This research could be used to informally guide guides clinical decision making in prescribing prostheses and in tuning them.

The study was authored by Levi Hargrove, PhD, Scientific Chair of the Regenstein Center for Bionic Medicine, Ann Simon, PhD, Engineering Manager, as well as Joey Zisk (former prosthetics resident) and Max Shepherd (former doctoral student).

The research article appears in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering.