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(FOUR) Full Outline of UnResponsiveness Score  Eye ResponseFindingsScore eyelids open and tracking, or blinking on command4 eyelids open but not tracking3 eyelids closed but open to loud voice2 eyelids closed but open to pain1 eyelids closed with pain0 Motor ResponseFindingsScore makes sign (thumbs-up, fist, other)4 localizing to pain3 flexion response to pain2 extension response to pain1 no response to pain0 generalized myoclonus status0 Pupil ReflexesCorneal ReflexesCoughBrainstem Score presentpresentpresent4 one pupil wide and fixedpresentpresent3 absentpresentNA2 presentabsentNA2 absentabsentpresent1 absentabsentabsent0 IntubationBreathingRespiratory Score not intubatedregular4 not intubatedCheyne-Stokes3 not intubatedirregular2 not intubatedapnea0 intubatedabove ventilator rate1 intubatedbreathes at ventilator rate0 total score = = SUM (points for all 4 parameters) Interpretation: minimum score: 0 maximum score: 16 The lower the score the greater the coma Sources: Gusa D, Miers A, Wijdicks E. More than meets the eye: the FOUR Score scale for coma assessment. RN Web. 2007; 70(12).  HYPERLINK "http://rn.modernmedicine.com/rnweb" http://rn.modernmedicine.com/rnweb Wijdicks EFM, Bamler WR, et al. Validation of a new coma scale: The FOUR score.  HYPERLINK "http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/112094255/abstract" Ann Neurol. 2005; 58: 585-593  HYPERLINK "http://www.northeastcenter.com/four-full-outline-of-unresponsiveness-score.htm" http://www.northeastcenter.com/four-full-outline-of-unresponsiveness-score.htm 2000-2008 Northeast Center for Special Care All Rights Reserved -/01=>FGLMNO   ' ( 0 1 6 7 8 9 ` a b x y z      ξήήήξξξξξξήήήξξξξξξξήήή"hZhZ5<OJQJ^JaJhZhZOJQJ\^JaJhZhZ5OJQJ^JaJhZhZ5OJQJ^JaJ#hZhZCJOJQJ\^JaJh?CJOJQJ\^JaJ=./01>GMNOTOgdZ^kd[$$IfF]'6'6    34a8kd$$If!634a $IfgdZ d[$gdZ OPgdZ^kd$$IfF]'6'6    34a $IfgdZ $IfgdZgdZ^kdc$$IfF]'6'6    34a $IfgdZgdZ^kd$$IfF]'6'6    34a  $IfgdZgdZ^kde$$IfF]'6'6    34a   ( 1 7 $IfgdZ d[$gdZ^kd$$IfF]'6'6    34a7 8 9 : ^ ` $IfgdZgdZ^kdg$$IfF]'6'6    34a` a b c v x $IfgdZgdZ^kd$$IfF]'6'6    34ax y z { $IfgdZgdZ^kdo$$IfF]'6'6    34a $IfgdZgdZ^kd$$IfF]'6'6    34a $IfgdZgdZ^kdq$$IfF]'6'6    34a $IfgdZgdZ^kd$$IfF]'6'6    34a    + $IfgdZ d[$gdZ^kds$$IfF]'6'6    34a  * + , - G H I t u v       ; < = W X Y o p q V W ] ^ a ϽϽϽϽϽϽϽϽϽϽϽϽﰑ"jh?5OJQJU^JaJh?5OJQJ^JaJhZ5OJQJ^JaJ"hZhZ5<OJQJ^JaJhZhZ5OJQJ^JaJhZhZOJQJ\^JaJhZhZ5OJQJ^JaJ9+ , - 5 = E G  $IfgdZgdZqkd$$If\ ]' P  (634aG H I b j r t  $IfgdZgdZqkd$$If\ ]' P  (634at u v }  $IfgdZgdZqkd.$$If\ ]' P  (634a  $IfgdZgdZqkd$$If\ ]' P  (634a  $IfgdZgdZqkdh $$If\ ]' P  (634a  $IfgdZgdZqkd $$If\ ]' P  (634a  zzz $IfgdZ d[$gdZqkd $$If\ ]' P  (634a      $IfgdZgdZ^kd? $$IfF]'6'6    34a   + 9 ; $IfgdZgdZ^kd $$IfF]'6'6    34a; < = K U W $IfgdZgdZ^kdG $$IfFZ'p6'6    34aW X Y g m o $IfgdZgdZ^kd $$IfF]'6'6    34ao p q { $IfgdZgdZ^kdI $$IfF]'6'6    34a $IfgdZgdZ^kd $$IfF]'6'6    34a W .  d[$gdZ^kdK$$IfF]'6'6    34a  , - . ~  GIJKȶȩqaIȶ?hZOJQJaJ.jhsh?5OJQJU^JaJhZh?5OJQJ^JaJ$hZhZ5B*OJQJ^Jph(jhZhZ5OJQJU^JaJhZhZ5OJQJ^JaJhZ5OJQJ^JaJ#hsh?0J5OJQJ^JaJ"jh?5OJQJU^JaJ.jhsh?5OJQJU^JaJh?5OJQJ^JaJhhZhZ5OJQJ^JaJhZ5OJQJ^JaJ,1h/ =!"#$% Y$$If!vh5"#v":V 6,534$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6,556534$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6556534$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6556534$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6556534$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6556534$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6556534$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6,556534$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6556534$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6556534$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6556534$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6556534$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6556534$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6556534$$If!vh5 5 55{ #v #v #v#v{ :V (6,5 5P 55 34$$If!vh5 5 55{ #v #v #v#v{ :V (6,5 5P 55 34$$If!vh5 5 55{ #v #v #v#v{ :V (6,5 5P 55 34$$If!vh5 5 55{ #v #v #v#v{ :V (6,5 5P 55 34$$If!vh5 5 55{ #v #v #v#v{ :V (6,5 5P 55 34$$If!vh5 5 55{ #v #v #v#v{ :V (6,5 5P 55 34$$If!vh5 5 55{ #v #v #v#v{ :V (6,5 5P 55 34$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6,556534$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6556534$$If!vh555Q #v#v#vQ :V '65p56534$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6556534$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6556534$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6556534$$If!vh555N #v#v#vN :V '6556534DyK #http://rn.modernmedicine.com/rnwebyK ^http://rn.modernmedicine.com/rnwebyX;H,]ą'cDyK Ohttp://www.northeastcenter.com/four-full-outline-of-unresponsiveness-score.htmyK http://www.northeastcenter.com/four-full-outline-of-unresponsiveness-score.htmyX;H,]ą'cL@L Normal#5OJQJ^J_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k@(No Listp$@p VIEnvelope Address!@ &+D/^@ 5CJOJQJaJJ%@J VIEnvelope Return5OJQJaJ<U`< Z Hyperlink7>*S*Y(phZ^`"Z Z Normal (Web)dd[$\$5CJOJQJ^JaJP./01>(1789:+,-5=+9;<=KUWXYgmopq{W.00 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00000 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00000000/0MN78`axy+,GHtu;<WXopW00<<p0  00t<@000<@0@00< @000 = 0@0 0 >@0@00 0 @@04@0.00 A@00@!@000 >@0@000X>00 =00hA@02x!@000A@ 0500@00<@00t@0\$00?@ 000 0!(@00@0 0"0#`@p00 0$0%@"A00@!@00&0'L@00(0)@00*0+@00,0-@00.0/|@00001@00203@00405$@00607\@008000@0000 &'O 7 ` x + G t   ; W o   !"#$%  ,~JXXX.VW]^a.7}1 `/ZVI?U./01>(1789:+,-5=+9;<=KUWXYgmopq{@-----`@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial7&  VerdanaE& Century Gothic"ht׆׆   "r4d2QHX)?Z2-(FOUR) Full Outline of UnResponsiveness ScoreNPNPOh+'0 , L X dpx0(FOUR) Full Outline of UnResponsiveness ScoreNP Normal.dotNP1Microsoft Office Word@@@I @3 ՜.+,D՜.+,p, hp  Take Care Health Systems ' .(FOUR) Full Outline of UnResponsiveness Score TitleL 8@ _PID_HLINKSA8&Ohttp://www.northeastcenter.com/four-full-outline-of-unresponsiveness-score.htm;P>http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/112094255/abstract;}z#http://rn.modernmedicine.com/rnweb;  !"#$%&'(*+,-./013456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGIJKLMNOQRSTUVWZRoot Entry F \Data )1Table2+WordDocument.PSummaryInformation(HDocumentSummaryInformation8PCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q