Dr. Monica Rho to Receive AAPM&R Award


Dr. Monica Rho Selected for AAPM&R’s PASSOR Legacy Award and Lectureship


At the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation’s (AAPM&R) Annual Assembly, Monica Rho, MD, Chief of Musculoskeletal Medicine, will receive the prestigious 2020 PASSOR Legacy Award and Lectureship.

Dr. Rho is being recognized for her advancement of the field of musculoskeletal physiatry through clinical care, education, service and scholarship. She will deliver a lecture on Nov. 9, in advance of  (which will be held virtually this year on Nov. 12–15).

“I’m humbled to receive this honor,” Dr. Rho said. “The idea of legacy is to pass things down from the past to the future. One of the best parts of my job is to take things I have learned from my mentors in the past, and pass them along to medical students, residents and fellows. I find great joy in shaping the future leaders of our specialty.”

Established in 2008 to preserve the legacy and namesake of the Physiatric Association of Spine, Sports and Occupational Rehabilitation (PASSOR), this award is meant to recognize an individual in mid career that has advanced musculoskeletal physiatry through clinical care, education, service or scholarship (research).

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