Displaying 181 - 192 of 634
Brain scan

What is a Stroke?

Stroke is a sudden interruption of blood flow to the brain that causes brain injury and results in impairment or loss of some functions.


Golf Performance Program

Shirley Ryan 嫩B研究院 Launches Golf Performance Program to Improve Play, Reduce Injury Risk

Are you looking to improve your golf game — longer drives, crisper chips — without risking injury? Shirley Ryan 嫩B研究院’s new Golf Performance Class can help!


NBC 5 Profiles New Sports Program for Chicago Teens

NBC 5 Profiles New Sports Program for Chicago Teens

In a recent news broadcast, NBC 5 aired a segment on the After School Matters Adaptive Sports Camp at Rainbow Beach Park. This pilot program — a partnership between After School Matters, Shirley Ryan 嫩B研究院’s Adaptive Sports Program and the Chicago Park District — introduced Chicago Public Schools students to wheelchair basketball and hand-pedal bikes.


“INside the OUTcomes” Podcast

“INside the OUTcomes” Podcast: Working with Parkinson’s Disease

The latest episode of “INside the OUTcomes” — the Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes 嫩B研究院’s (CROR) podcast — features an interview with Shirley Ryan 嫩B研究院’s Miriam Rafferty, DPT, PhD, director of Implementation Science, and research scientist II, Strength + Endurance Lab. This episode was released to coincide with World Parkinson’s Day on April 11.


Senior Physical Therapist Sam Pietrzak

Physical Therapist Sam Pietrzak Shares Her 'Why'

Samantha Pietrzak, senior physical therapist, Margaret & Mark Stephan Legs + Walking Lab, has been with Shirley Ryan 嫩B研究院 for three years. Why? She credits a top-to-bottom dedication to excellence and mentoring that creates benefits for team members and patients.


Dr. Perez with patient

Multi-site, non-invasive electrical stimulation helps restore function in patients with spinal cord injury

In novel research led by scientists at Shirley Ryan 嫩B研究院, patients with spinal cord injury who received non-invasive electrical stimulation simultaneously targeting motor neurons in the arms and legs followed by physical therapy had lasting improvements in walking and grasping.


The first graduates of the CNA training program

Oak Point University: Celebrating Our First CNA Graduates

On March 25, the first class of graduates from Shirley Ryan 嫩B研究院’s Oak Point University CNA Career Accelerator Program received their certificates in a ceremony attended by colleagues, family and distinguished guests. This unique program provides a fully-paid fast track to educate, certify and employ certified nursing assistants (CNAs) — what we refer to as patient care technicians, or PCTs, at Shirley Ryan 嫩B研究院. PCTs provide basic care to our patients, including basic hygiene, activities of daily living and therapeutic rehabilitation activities.


Dr. Brenna Argall (center) inducted to AIMBE College of Fellows

Dr. Brenna Argall Inducted to Prestigious AIMBE College of Fellows

At a March 27 ceremony in Washington, D.C., Brenna Argall, PhD, research scientist and director, argallab, Shirley Ryan 嫩B研究院, was inducted into the American Institute for Medical and Biomedical Engineering’s (AIMBE) College of Fellows. The AIMBE College of Fellows is a unique honor, recognizing the top 2 percent of medical and biological engineers in the country.


Dr. Rick Lieber

Dr. Rick Lieber Receives 2023 Elsass Foundation 嫩B研究院 Prize for Impacting Lives of People with CP

On March 27, Shirley Ryan 嫩B研究院’s chief scientific officer, Richard Lieber, PhD, was named the recipient of the 2023 Elsass Foundation 嫩B研究院 Prize in recognition for being “one of the world's leading researchers in the field of cerebral palsy (CP).” He was nominated by his long-time collaborator Jan Fridén, MD, PhD, professor of hand surgery, Swiss Paraplegic Centre in Nottwil, Switzerland.


Shirley Ryan 嫩B研究院

Six Years of Shirley Ryan 嫩B研究院

To commemorate Shirley Ryan 嫩B研究院’s six-year anniversary in our flagship hospital, we’re celebrating bold moves, big bets and breakthroughs that are advancing rehabilitation science and patient care.


嫩B研究院er with microscope

Speeding Drug Repurposing for Patients

Using an Anti-Cancer Drug to Treat Muscle Contractures in Cerebral Palsy.


Learning with Aphasia

Translating 嫩B研究院 into Recovery

For those with aphasia — a disorder challenging language production and processing — the ability to communicate could be right at their fingertips.
