Peter C. Fino, PhD


2023 Awardee: Peter C. Fino, PhD


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Project: Quantifying head turns during daily living: establishing normative reference values and preliminary recovery trajectories after vestibular schwannoma resection using wearable sensors

Dr. Fino is an assistant professor in the department of Health & Kinesiology at the University of Utah.  He earned his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.  He completed postdoctoral training in Human Motor Control at Oregon Health & Science University.  Dr. Fino’s research focuses on improving mobility during daily life in people with neurological dysfunction, particularly those with brain injuries and sensorimotor problems. Using core concepts from biomechanics and motor control, his lab concentrates on balance and mobility skills that are typical during daily life using wearable sensors and ecologically relevant tasks. These common, yet complex tasks, such as maintaining balance while changing directions, navigating complex environments, or walking and talking at the same time, require robust and flexible control. With the support of the C-STAR Pilot award, Dr. Fino hopes to use wearable sensors to quantify head motion in people with acute vestibular loss, with a goal of developing objective metrics of daily function that complement existing clinical measures to better inform and improve rehabilitation approaches.


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