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Posted By Allison Todd

Project Overview


Principal Investigator:   Robert Kenyon, PhD (UIC)  

Synopsis/Goals of the Project

Medical treatment and physical therapy are imperative for the management of stroke, the risk reduction of recurrent stroke and recovery of lost motor controls. The success of a medical treatment is determined largely by adherence. However, research has shown that adherence to therapy in patients who have had a stroke is often suboptimal.

嫩B研究院 has shown that making use of customizable avatars not only offers a pleasing experience to the patient, but also offers a sustainable adherence to the therapy. Some projects have shown that having interactive virtual environments that shows the patient’s self-exercising motions as compared to environments that are only performing guided exercises without any patient interaction are better.

This project aims at creating an immersive 3D environment with avatar that would be interactive with the patient and create virtual representation of the patient’s self-exercises motion in the environment through the use of motion detection sensors such as LEAP Motion Controller.

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