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CBM 嫩B研究院 Featured on ABC News Chicago

Posted By Sheila Burt


ABC News Chicago recently featuring one of our research participants, Robby Williams, who is helping our group evaluate a novel knee-ankle foot orthosis (KAFO) that is designed to provide users with greater movement potential. Williams is a dancer who sustained a spinal cord injury from a gunshot wound last summer. He continues to practice dance as a form of artistic expression and as part of his ongoing recovery.

The story also features an interview with Matt Giffhorn, DPT, a research physical therapist within the Center for Bionic Medicine. Giffhorn told ABC news that the goal of the study is to determine if the device, the C-Brace II, helps people with incomplete spinal cord injury return to their daily life “quicker, sooner, and more efficiently.” The study specifically looks at walking speed, distance such as step and stride length, balance, and community participation when using the brace.