Inside HCBS Cover Art

Inside HCBS Podcast

Inside HCBS


Inside HCBS aims to bring together the perspectives and knowledge of researchers, advocates and policymakers as well as people who have lived experience with home and community-based services (HCBS). Together, we will explore how people experience HCBS at the systems and individual levels, and brainstorm ways in which HCBS can be made more accessible and useful to all. We hope that this will be an informative resource for you!

Our , "Kenny's World: Person-Centered Planning in Practice" is about Kenny and his provider agency, , and how they partnered to make the necessary changes to Kenny's services so that they meet his goals and preferences. We explore themes related to paternalism and choice and control, community inclusion, and what success looks like when provider agencies deliver services and supports in a person-centered way.

Our , "Unmet Needs and the Importance of Data in HCBS," we hear from , Director of the Community Living Equity Center in the Lurie Institute for Disability Policy and , a doctoral student at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University about unmet needs in HCBS and why data is so important in helping to ensure these needs are met.



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