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COMPLETE: Safety and Efficacy of Samsung GEMS-H Device Training in Sub-Acute and Chronic Stroke

Posted By Sheila Burt



This study is complete and is no longer recruiting subjects.



A number of individuals recovering from stroke experience severe gait impairments that can contribute to falls and limit their ability to walk within their homes and communities. Some robotics and assistive technologies have the potential to improve mobility and provide assistance in more challenging walking tasks, such as bending the knee.

This research study will determine the effects of gait training with the Samsung GEMS-H device, an exoskeleton that can provide assistance at the hip joint during walking, in individuals with sub-acute and chronic stroke.

We will specifically research the the effects of using the GEMS-H device on walking, balance, nervous system activity, and quality of life.

The Samsung GEMS-H device is an investigational device and is not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Study Personnel

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Giffhorn M, Jayaraman A, Danilovich M. . Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2019 Oct 1;100(10):e86.

Funding Source


Samsung Electronics Co.

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