COVID-19 Diaphragm Study black and white photo imagery

Ellie Farr 2021 Resident Baskin Award Winner For Diaphragm COVID-19 Study

Congratulations to Ellie Farr!


Ellie Farr won the Sarah Baskin award for the top resident research project for her study on diaphragm muscle dysfunction in survivors of severe COVID-19. Read her article on .


Publication Abstract


"Many survivors from severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) suffer from persistent dyspnea and fatigue long after resolution of the active infection. In a cohort of 21 consecutive severe post-COVID-19 survivors admitted to an inpatient rehabilitation hospital, 16 (76%) of them had at least one sonographic abnormality of diaphragm muscle structure or function. This corresponded to a significant reduction in diaphragm muscle contractility as represented by thickening ratio (muscle thickness at maximal inspiration/end-expiration) for the post-COVID-19 compared to non-COVID-19 cohorts. These findings may shed new light on neuromuscular respiratory dysfunction as a contributor to prolonged functional impairments after hospitalization for post-COVID-19."

black and white diaphragm study imagery
Diaphragm Ultrasound of COVID-19 Rehabilitation Patient


2021 Sarah Baskin Award Winners:


Trailblazer Award:

  • Kathryn Altonji, MD

  • Emily Marquez, MD



  • 1st Place: Ellen Farr, MD

  • 2nd Place: Stephen Leb, MD

  • 3rd Place: Dayna Yorks, DO



  • 1st Place: Benjamin Washburn, MD

  • 2nd Place: Jacob Kneeman, MD