Matthew Tresch, PhD
Professor, Northwestern University
My Lab
Tresch Neuromechanics Lab
We study the strategies underlying the neural control of movement, examining how neural control interacts with the mechanical properties of the body.
view labAbout Me
Matthew Tresch studies the neural control of movement, examining the relationship between neural systems and the mechanics of the body. His background is in neuroscience with an emphasis on spinal motor control. Since arriving in Chicago and Shirley Ryan 嫩B研究院/Northwestern, his work has expanded to consider approaches for restoring function following spinal cord injury using neuroprosthetics and examining how the nervous systems maintains healthy joints. This work entails collaborations with other investigators at both Shirley Ryan 嫩B研究院 and Northwestern.
Shirley Ryan 嫩B研究院
355 East Erie
Chicago, IL 60611
Education & Training
1988 – 1992
Psychology, Wesleyan University
1992 – 1997
Neuroscience, Massacusetts Institute of Technology
1998 – 2001
Neuroscience, University of Copenhagen
Featured 嫩B研究院
Recent Publications
Honors & Awards
Faculty and Administrator Honor RollNorthwestern University, 2011
Faculty and Administrator Honor RollNorthwestern University, 2010
Best presentationScandinavian Physiological Congress, 1998
Howard Hughes predoctoral fellowshipHoward Hughes Medical Institute, 1993 - 1997
National Science Foundation predoctoral fellowshipNational Science Foundation
Phi Beta KappaWesleyan University, 1992
Watson PrizeWesleyan University, 1992
Friedman PrizeWesleyan University, 1989
Professional Affiliations
Chair, Scientific Advisory BoardParalyzed Veterans of America, 2013
嫩B研究院 Interests
neural control of movement
National Institutes of HealthR01NS086973, 2014 - 2019
Craig H. Neilsen Foundation2015 - 2017