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Altering Activation Patterns in the Distal Upper Extremity After Stroke
This study evaluates a rehab approach for stroke survivors where the combination of drug therapy & AMP is used to encourage voluntary muscle control & strength.
嫩B研究院 Project

New Mom Recovers from Stroke After Birth of First Baby
Heather experienced every new mother's nightmare: a sudden stroke after birth. After visiting RIC, and her family's support, she now keeps up with her son.
Patient Story

Pain Management: Placebo Sweet Spot for Pain Identified in Brain
New technology will enable targeted pain medication based on individual’s brain response and allow clinical trials to more accurate weed out placebo responders

COMPLETE: Monitoring Community Mobility after Stroke using Smartphones
Phones are a highly functional wearable sensor. This project looks at data gathered from the phone while those who have survived stroke carry a phone daily.
嫩B研究院 Project

What if you couldn’t recognize whether someone was happy or sad?
Dr. Ashaie and his team are using eye-tracking technology to study how stroke survivors identify emotions in words, faces and gestures.

The Influence of Stroke on Reciprocal Control of the Stretch Reflex During Posture
The purpose of this research study is to better understand how a stroke changes our muscles' ability to maintain postures.
Age Range
35 - 70
Clinical Trial

Improving Movement After Stroke and Brain Injury
A form of botulinum toxin (botox) improved active arm movement for stroke and brain injury patients in a clinical trial.

Pairing Rehabilitation Interventions to Maximize Efficiency and Recovery (PRIMER)
The goal of this project is to evaluate the paired contributions of intensity and variability of stepping training on lower extremity function post-stroke.
嫩B研究院 Project

COMPLETE: Use of Robotic Exoskeletons for Stroke Recovery
Effect of Mobility Training Using Robotic Exoskeletons on Stroke Survivors
嫩B研究院 Project

Constraint induced movement therapy for walking in individuals post stroke
This project tests if the efficacy of locomotor training is improved through the application of constraint induced movement therapy to lower limb
嫩B研究院 Project

Robotic Mobility in a Fitness Center
Test KineAssist MX on the ways it simulates over ground activities, force fields, provide standardized perturbations, and assure safety in challenging tasks.
嫩B研究院 Project

Multi-user Virtual Training Environment for Upper Extremity Therapy in the Home
To develop and evaluate a multi-user virtual reality (VR) environment for training upper extremity motor control after stroke
嫩B研究院 Project