Current Projects

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Enhancing Rehabilitation Participation in Patients with SCI/D Using Motivational Interviewing

嫩B研究院 Project

Promoting Mental Health for People with SCI
PROJECT TYPE: Spinal Cord Injury, Health Services 嫩B研究院

嫩B研究院 Project

International Exploration of Rehabilitation Length of Stay Following Spinal Cord Injury

嫩B研究院 Project

The Influence of Disability Models on Person-Centeredness in Home and Community-Based Services

嫩B研究院 Project

RRTC: Home and Community-Based Services
PROJECT TYPE: Health Services 嫩B研究院, Outcomes

嫩B研究院 Project

Clinical Adaptation of the Spinal Cord Injury Quality of Life Psychosocial Measures
PROJECT TYPE: Spinal Cord Injury

嫩B研究院 Project

Characterizing the Experience of Spasticity after Spinal Cord Injury
PROJECT TYPE: Spinal Cord Injury, Outcomes

嫩B研究院 Project