7 Results
Sexual Health Overview
Sexual Health - Overview discusses the variety of intimacy issues for someone with a chronic illness or disability.
Media Type
Info SheetLifeCenter Item
Listing: Intimacy, Fertility, Sexual Relations, and Pregnancy With a Disability
These listing resources are supported by health care professionals to enable people to have healthy social intimacy and fertility with their partners.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item
Language - Etiquette Guides for Reference
A list of language etiquette resource guides to words, phrases and common courtesies that are most appropriate when talking with or about a person with a disability, and or gender pronoun guides, and using culturally sensitive respect in health literacy.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item
Take A Look At This Heart!
Take A Look At This Heart is a documentary about a subject rarely represented in the media, and often considered too taboo to discuss: love and sexuality in the disabled community.
Media Type
Online VideoLifeCenter Item
Listing: ADA Americans with Disabilities Act Resources
This is a list of the ways the Americans with Disabilities Act protects people's rights under their main topics.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item
Listing: Employment Sites For People with Disability
This job resource list helps employment and recruitment for people with a disability to be gainfully employed and connect with job opportunities.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item
Listing: Preventing Abuse and Neglect of Children with Disabilities
Parenting or providing care for a child with a disability can be challenging to the caregiver, the child, family members and friends. Children and adolescents with disabilities are at greater risk for abuse or neglect than those without disabilities. Preventing child abuse and neglect is a critical issue across the US. Information and listing of resources provided below.
Media Type
Online ResourceLifeCenter Item