News and Events

Dr. Levi Hargrove Featured on CNBC

CNBC’s The News with Shepard Smith recently aired a segment on artificial touch in prosthetic limbs. The story included quotes from Levi Hargrove, PhD, scientific chair, Regenstein Foundation Center for Bionic Medicine, offering expert opinion on the future of bionics.

In the News

  • Innovations in Prosthetic Control

    Dr. Levi Hargrove, PhD, Scientific Chair of the Center for Bionic Medicine, recently presented on "Innovations in Prosthetic Control" at a recent SRAlab Roundtable Discussion.

    In the News

  • Low-Cost Voluntary Closing Prosthetic Hand

    Sheila Pach, a resident in the Shirley Ryan 嫩B研究院/TEAMM Prosthetic 嫩B研究院 Residency Program, recently presented on her research, "Clinical Evaluation of a Novel Low-Cost Voluntary Closing Prosthetic Hand."

    In the News

  • Amanda Shorter Doctoral Defense

    Congratulations to Amanda Shorter on the successful defense of her doctoral dissertation, Ankle Joint Mechanical Impedance During Locomotion - Implications for Prosthesis Control and Rehabilitation.

    In the News

  • Media Coverage of CBM, Coapt 嫩B研究院 Collaboration

    Several news outlets recently profiled a newly funded research collaboration between the Regenstein Foundation Center for Bionic Medicine and Coapt, LLC.

    In the News

  • IEEE Profile on Open Source Bionic Leg

    IEEE Spectrum recently profiled the Open Source Bionic Leg project.

    In the News

  • Open-Source Leg Project Featured in Nature

    A new research article on the Open Source Leg project was published in Nature Biomedical Engineering.

    In the News

  • Conference Publications in IEEE EMBC

    CBM researchers contributed two new conference publications presented at the?International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC).

    In the News